THE MAGIC REMAINS MAGIC, MAJICK, MAGIK Do you believe in magic? What is your favorite Fae? When you were little, did you have an imaginary friend? Did you ever think you might have seen something? Bigfoot? A human face where it didn’t belong? Belief in magic isn’t evil. It’s just accepting that there might be…

  • Portal

    A Portal, I have written It hangs over the hills, Up there in the sky; illuminating your eye You cannot miss it, even were ye blind!

  • Spring Forward

    Springing Forward and Falling Back are the names we have given to the semi-annual time changes we adhere to in the US along with other parts of the world. Want to find out why?

  • Distractions

    It has been a few days since I have submitted a BLOG for your reading pleasure, I apoligize. I have been remiss, but for good reason! I have been working on a book for my granddaughter. I hope to have it published through AMAZON by the end of the month (March). It’s titled “The Moonlight…

  • Advice to my Teen-aged Self

    You are enough. Remember that. You must learn to Love yourself first. Love others and all of God’s creatures with a pure heart. You are here on Earth to learn, so learn! Go to college! Travel! Study Religion and Martial Arts! This world is an amazing, beautiful place. It’s full of people who are full…

  • PRACTICAL SHOES Everybody with feet needs shoes. But if you have disorders of the foot it is not so easy. Take the most commonly recognized foot disease – diabetic neuropathy. Simply put – you can’t feel your toes or you have the iconic “pins and needles” feeling in them. Perhaps you get stabbing jolts of lightening…


    With gratitude towards Ms. Sofia for two warm nights for Mr.Glenn and a heartwarming “Awww” for the rest of us, it has to be recognized that it’s not enough. Not even if we each gave a Glenn a warm night. There are too many out there. It’s too overwhelming with too many variables. So what…

  • This is Your Brain On Pain.

    So I found this lecture on Youtube > TED >How to Hack Your Brain When You’re in Pain | Amy Baxter As much as I would love to just copy and paste a link for you, that simply was not possible, but if you wish to watch it the address, if you will, is loosely…


    Perspective is Everything – well…usually; sometimes? LEMONY SNICKET Again, I confess; I am not a fan. I have never watched the series, nor read the books, but it’s a catchy title, so I am borrowing it to catch your attention – how shrewd am I? You can’t blame a girl for trying! Now that I’ve…

  • How To Do Disabled in 5, 4, 3, …….

    “If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans!” Woody Allen  ‘We plan, God laughs.’ is how the proverb goes. True enough, I suppose, but God did give us free will, did He not? One might say “I plan to be an Olympic Diver!” and in practicing break ones back. Plans, dreams and vertebrae all shattered at…